A – Z Worship

Do you struggle to know what to say to God in private worship?

This video will enrich your vocabulary in prayer and worship, and it’s based on something I picked up from Linda Dillow and her book, Satisfy My Thirsty Soul. It’s really easy! I love that I can do it anytime, anywhere, whether I have my hands free or whether there is quiet around me or a lot of noise.

It’s called the A to Z worship experience and it’s exactly what it sounds like. You take time to worship God for who He is, starting with the letter A all the way through the letter Z. Once you have said and worship Him for everything that you can think of for one letter, you move on to the next one.

The letter A could look something like this: “God, I worship you because you are Awesome. You are Amazing. You are my Abba father. You are Adonai. You are the Alpha and Omega.” You just keep going until you run out of words or time.

I also like to spend some time pausing and meditating on every name or characteristic. For example, what does it really mean that God is my Abba father? What are ways that He has shown up in my life recently and how can I worship Him and thank Him and praise Him for specific ways that He has been my Abba father? Then I can move on to the next letter of the alphabet.

May you come to discover the love that God has for you and go deeper in your relationship with Him, finding all fullness and satisfaction in Him.


Your Next Steps:

Spend some time worshiping God from A to Z. If you’re forgetful like I am, write it down in your prayer journal or your Bible study journal so you can go through the list.

Spend a minute on each letter, meditating and worshiping God for who He is.


Scriptures to Read:

Psalm 145


Recommended Resources:

Satisfy My Thirsty Soul, by Linda Dillow

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, by Asheritah Ciuciu

Quiet Time Journal: 90-Day Bible Study and Prayer Journal

Quiet Time for Busy Women: 6 Weeks to Becoming Consistent in Your Daily Devotions

Walking with God: Enjoying God’s Presence from Morning to Night



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