HEY, friend — feel bored in your daily devotions? kEEP ON READING...
Enjoy your time with God.
If you feel like you should be reading your Bible more, but struggle to be consistent, there is hope!
What if you could finally feel peace, joy, and rest when you talk with God?

Be honest. Do you….
- struggle to be consistent in your daily devotions?
- feel distracted when you pray?
- want to delight in your time with God?
Over the past few years, I've coached thousands of women around the world to develop creative and consistent habits of being in God’s Word.
And now I want to share these same creative ideas with you, so that you will experience the transformation that comes when we embrace the freedom of seeking God in creative and personal ways.
Why I'm Sharing this with You
Until now, these videos were only available to a select group of women. But I want everyone to experience the transformation that comes when we embrace the freedom of seeking God in creative and personal ways.
What You Get Inside
Discover dozens of ways to pray, worship, and read your Bible, so you can choose what works best for you.

Replace guilt with joy and peace as you discover the unique ways God created YOU to connect with Him with our worship personality quiz.

Ditch the formulas and develop spiritual rhythms that help you grow closer to God in your distinct season of life.

Crash the chatterbox and learn how to finally be still in God's presence, even if you only have a few minutes.

Join thousands of women who have gleaned from the collective wisdom of generations of women who have gone before us.
“I used to feel guilty that I didn't have a lot of time to study my Bible, but now I'm enjoying creative ways to connect with Jesus!”
~ Erin

I'm Asheritah, a bestselling writer and national speaker, married to my high school sweetheart, and mama to three spunky kiddos. I'm also the founder of One Thing Alone Ministries—an online ministry that helps over 40,000 women find joy in Jesus through creative and consistent time in God’s Word. We might have met through my writing and speaking on Focus on the Family, Revive Our Hearts, Moody Radio, Relevant Magazine, Proverbs 31, and MOPS International.
I'm so glad you're choosing joy in jesus!
What Others Are Saying
I just watched your nature hike with God video and I can’t wait to do this on my lunch break tomorrow. Best idea ever!
Thank you Asheritah for allowing our Lord to use you in these Creative Devotions videos! There’s such peace in my spirit now.
The Lectio Divina video is my favorite so far! When I tried that before, I never seemed to connect with God. Having someone “lead the way” was so helpful!
You Were Created for Creative Worship
Don’t wait. Get access to the Creative Devotions Collection now, and make time with Jesus your daily joy once again.
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