Creative Giving: Flowers for the Sorrowful

Want a creative way to practice giving sacrificially? 

The traditional disciplines associated with Lent are fasting, praying, and sacrificial giving.

Today we’re talking about a creative way to give to someone who’s often overlooked during the season of Lent: giving flowers to friends and neighbors who have lost a loved one recently, and praying for them throughout Lent.

Jesus reminds us that whenever we give to others in His name, it’s like we’re giving to Him–whether it’s a cup of cold water, a visit to someone in prison, or serving someone who is sick, we’re doing it for Him (Matthew 10:42).

That’s really the heart of my Lenten devotional, Uncovering the Love of Jesus—it’s that God’s love is poured into our hearts so that we may pour out His love toward others.

One way we can enter into the sorrow and grief of others with the love and hope of Christ is to deliver a bouquet of flowers and pray for them.

If your budget is tight, you could get a bouquet from your local Aldi or grocery store. Alternatively, consider planning ahead and purchasing some seeds on clearance in the fall to plant in your garden or potted plants in the spring.

Your Next Step:

Think of someone you know who has lost someone dear to them this past year — perhaps a friend from church, a neighbor, or a co-worker. Pick up a bouquet of flowers from your local grocery store, deliver it to their house, and pray for them to sense God’s presence and comfort during this time.

Scriptures to Read:

Matthew 10:40-42; Proverbs 11:25; Romans 12:9-15

Recommended Resources:

Uncovering the Love of Jesus: A Lenten Devotional, by Asheritah Ciuciu

The Good of Giving Up, by Aaron Damiani

Creative Meditation for Children: Passover Lamb (video included in Creative Devotions Collection)

Creative Confession: Jar of Ashes and Crowns of Righteousness (video included in Creative Devotions Collection)


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