Hello sweet friends!

I hope you're having a wonderful start to your new year!

Some of you have seen my video announcement in our FB group at the end of last year, but I want to make sure everyone is aware of our news.

The Good News

The good news is that the Lord has answered our prayers for wisdom and direction, and He's opened the door for a continued partnership with Moody Publishers. In fact, Moody has invited me to write four more books with them in the next five years. That's a HUGE opportunity and I'm THRILLED to bring the Word of God to women through more books. (And you're the first to know about it!)

The Bad News

In order to focus on these next writing projects, we are putting myOTA on a long-term hiatus. This was SUCH a hard decision to make, but both Flaviu and I had peace that it's the right thing to do in this season. We've stopped all payments effective December 29, 2018, the website is in maintenance mode, and the FB group will shut down on February 1.

The Better News

But!!! The even better news is that my third book with Moody is ALL ABOUT TINY HABITS! Specifically, joyful spiritual habits for busy women. So we're planning to bring back myOTA after I've finished the manuscripts for my next two books (releasing October 2019 and January 2020). It's my heart desire that we'll work together to develop content within the new myOTA that will eventually help thousands of women around the world through this third book. AND OF COURSE you will be the first to know when we're open membership again. 🙂

Dear friends, it has been such a privilege to serve you in this way over the past two years. And even though this feels like good bye--it isn't! I'll continue to be in touch through email newsletters, and you can always find out what I'm up to on Instagram.

And with the rate new technologies are developing these days, I can't even imagine what fun things we'll be able to do together in a couple years when, Lord willing, myOneThingAlone comes back!

So thank you, thank you, thank you, for a wonderful adventure together. I can't wait to see what the Lord has for us next!

Pray with me?

Dear Lord, You are SO good to Your children. We praise You for the way You brought together myOTA, for the growth and community that happened here, and for the ways You continue to lead. Thank You for grace. Thank You for Jesus. Thank you for every woman in this community. I pray that You would bless Flaviu richly today and every day. May she continue to find her joy in You. Amen

Much love,
