Quiet Time for Busy Women / Week 6: Three Little Words that Will Change Your Life

I would love to grab coffee with you.

If I could, I’d sit across from you with a mint mocha and listen to your story. I’d ask about where you grew up, when you first learned about God’s love for you, and how He gradually drew you into His presence. I’d listen to the ways He’s sustained you through heartbreak, and I’d celebrate with you His mighty victories. 

But I know I’d also hear stories that go like this: “I was born and raised in a Christian family. I said the sinner’s prayer in grade school, and I’ve been trying to be a good Christian ever since. But God isn’t interested in my life. Nothing exciting has every happened to me.” 

Sound familiar? Ever heard someone say that? Have you said that yourself? 

We all long to live lives of significance. We read of Mother Teresa, Jim Elliot, Amy Carmichael, D. L. Moody, and secretly whisper, “I wish I could change the world.” But then we go back to the casserole dishes and loads of laundry, the office politics and quarterly reports, and figure God’s just not interested in little ol’ us. 

But nothing could be further from the truth. 

Right now, this very second, God is searching the earth for women and men to use in great Kingdom work. And He’s not looking for the best-educated or most-qualified. Nope. He’s looking for just one quality: surrender. 

Think of the people He used at critical junctures in Israel’s history: 

  • Moses was a criminal hiding in the desert. But God used him to lead the captive Israelites out of Egypt and teach them His laws.
  • Samuel was a servant boy despised by the priest’s sons, but God used him to guide the nation into the turbulent era of kingship.
  • Isaiah was a man terrorized by the Assyrians but God used him to proclaim His salvation through the coming Messiah.
  • Mary was a teenage girl in a red-light district, but God used her to bring His Son into the world and raise Him as her own.

What do these four history-makers have in common? Well, other than the fact that they were seriously under-qualified for the job, they all said these three little words: “Here I am.” 

God doesn’t need your degrees or your qualifications. He isn’t impressed with your daily devotions, Bible studies or community service projects. 

God is looking for women and men who are so enraptured by His love and grace that they surrender their lives to Him and say, “Here I am. All I have is Yours. Do with me whatever You want.” 

If you feel your testimony isn’t that impressive, I invite you to make these three little words your daily prayer: “Here I am.” Then watch as God takes your life and transforms it into a world-changing, history-shifting, eternity-pointing narrative, so that everyone who hears it says, “Whoa! Look what God did there. I want Him to do that in my life, too!” Because He can. And He will.

And that’s quite the story to share over coffee.