How to Use Your Nose in Worship

Are you looking for a way to add delight to your devotion? 

Okay, this might sound a bit silly, but have you ever thought of using your nose in worship?


That’s okay. I didn’t either, until a friend of mine pointed out all the fragrances of the Bible, especially in the life of Jesus:

  • There’s the smell of fish and sea water whenever Jesus was with His disciples in the boat.
  • The smell of olives and grapes in the countryside (that’s featured in so many of Jesus’ teachings).
  • The smell of Lazarus when Jesus raised him from the dead (John 11:1-44) (Martha was especially concerned about the stench in verse 39).
  • And then there’s the perfume Mary poured out on Jesus’ feet in worship (John 12:1-8). (What did it smell like? Was it sweet or musky?)
  • And of course, the incense used in the temple for sacrifices of worship, which Jesus would have been very familiar with.

In fact, did you know that God gave Moses a proprietary blend of spices and oils for this perfume, and that no one else was allowed to mix this perfume for themselves–on penalty of death?! (see Exodus 30:34-38; 37:29)


That perfume was to be considered “most holy,” reserved only for when Israel’s priests offered an incense sacrifice to God. So priests would only smell that specific smell in God’s presence.

So what does this have to do with us today?

In this video, I’ve invited my good friend Carmen to help me explain why and how to use your nose and sense of smell in your worship.


Your Next Step:

Think of one way this coming week that you can use your sense of smell in worship. Maybe you could go on a prayer walk and pay close attention to the various scents you come across along the way, then worship God for His creativity in creation. Perhaps you could start lighting a particular scented candle every time you open your Bible or have your quiet time with God, to help you set your mind and heart on Him.


Scriptures to Read:

2 Corinthians 2:14-17; John 11:1-44; Exodus 30:34-38; John 12:1-8


Recommended Resources:

Free Worship Personality Assessment

Bible and Breakfast: 31 Mornings with Jesus

Quiet Time for Busy Women: 6 Weeks to Becoming Consistent in Your Daily Devotions

Walking with God: Enjoying God’s Presence from Morning to Night




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