Your Worship Personality is Caregiver

Loving God by Serving Others

You feel closest to God when you’re serving others. When you see others in need, you see the image of God in them, and you feel spiritually fed by caring for others.

You resonate deeply with Jesus’ words when He said, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in…” (Matthew 25:35-36).

In fact, Jesus Himself often paused His activities to take care of a single person, like when He healed the woman with the issue of blood on His way to care for Jairus’ daughter (Luke 8:43-48). Jesus had compassion, and Scripture is filled with exhortations to care for others (see Phil 2:4; James 1:27; 1 John 3:14).

Other Caregivers throghout history include Mordecai, Tabitha, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, Katie Davis, and more.

As a Caregiver, some of your biggest struggles are judging others who serve God in different ways, using caregiving as a manipulative way to be loved in return, and neglecting those closest to you.

Remember that as important as caregiving is to your spiritual health, it cannot replace prayer, Bible reading, and worship in your spiritual diet. All these elements together will remind you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus even as you serve others.

Here are a few creative worship ideas for you as a Caregiver:

  • Open your home to international students and invite them to spend time with you, especially during the holidays.
  • Serve women at the local crisis pregnancy center or battered women’s shelter.
  • Visit an elderly member of your church and ask them to tell you stories of God’s faithfulness in their life over tea and cookies.
  • Volunteer to babysit your pastor’s kids so he and his wife can have a date night
  • Visit the hospital and seek out patients who haven’t received any visitors; flowers and baked goods optional.

Please keep in mind that this list is NOT a to-do list to earn God’s favor. Jesus already did that. God won’t be impressed or more pleased with you if you do any or all of the above. Really, He’s after the heart. But if your heart is right with God, this list will give you ideas to seek Him in new ways that may open up fresh paths of communication with Him.

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