Your Worship Personality is Contemplative

Loving God through Adoration

You love God best through adoration, often picturing yourself sitting down with Jesus or holding God’s hand, contenting yourself to simply be in God’s presence. While others may feel compelled to serve God, study about God, or seek social change for God, you’re content to simply be with God.

You resonate deeply with the Scripture that says, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:11) and David’s one desire to “dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). You see yourself more as a friend of God than a servant of God.

The classic biblical example of a Contemplative is Mary of Bethany. While her sister Martha was busy getting dinner ready for Jesus and His disciples, Mary was enamored with the One sitting before her, and she simply wanted to sit at His feet.

Other Contemplatives throughout history include King David, St Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, Thomas Aquinas, Linda Dillow, Joanna Weaver, Ann Voskamp, and more.

As a Contemplative, some of your biggest spiritual struggles are creating a secular/sacred dichotomy that keeps you from enjoying the company of others, and becoming addicted to intense spiritual feelings, always seeking the next “spiritual high.” Remember that God indeed desires personal fellowship with you, but He’s also called you to go out and serve others. Allow your time of contemplative worship to drive you toward pouring that love into the lives of people around you.

Here are a few creative worship ideas for you as a Contemplative:

  • Choose a word or a short phrase to center your mind on God (e.g., the Jesus prayer, Psalm 46:10). When your thoughts stray, return to this simple prayer, and rest in the presence of God.
  • Recall to mind the scene of Jesus’ crucifixion, reading from one of the gospels and slowly working through the stations of the cross. As you picture the sights and smells, reflect on relevant prophesies Jesus fulfilled, feel the emotions in those present, and let the Spirit lead you into prayers of repentance, thanksgiving, and praise.
  • Spend time reflecting on who God is; read Scriptures on His holiness, love, compassion, patience, righteousness, faithfulness, and allow yourselves to be still and receive His presence.
  • Establish a secret place where you go to meet with God, just the two of you. Allow your relationship with Jesus to grow as you meet with Him there, just as two lovers would steal away from the crowds to be together in solitude.
  • Learn to be still in God’s presence, quieting your thoughts, your emotions, and any distractions. In your mind’s eye, picture yourself sitting with Jesus, and simply delight in His presence.

Please keep in mind that this list is NOT a to-do list to earn God’s favor. Jesus already did that. God won’t be impressed or more pleased with you if you do any or all of the above. Really, He’s after the heart. But if your heart is right with God, this list will give you ideas to seek Him in new ways that may open up fresh paths of communication with Him.

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