Your Worship Personality is Intellectual

Loving God with the Mind

You feel closest to God when you’re intellectually stimulated. Few things thrill you more than discovering something new about God or His ways as you dive deep into Scripture. Quite simply, your study of God is how you naturally love God.

Theological accuracy is critically important to you, and you’ve probably spent hundreds of hours studying various facets of the faith that most Christians are completely oblivious to. For you to grow in Christ, you need to learn new things, and you’re probably excited to share your new findings with others too.

Scripture commends your pursuit of loving God through increased comprehension. After all, Jesus urges us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30), and the Old Testament Levites were charged with the important duty of studying and teaching God’s Word (1 Kings 3:3). Solomon famously asked God for only one thing–wisdom–and God was pleased to grant it to him (1 Kings 4:33-34). And many of Paul’s writings exhibit an astonishingly meticulous care for logic and persuasive argument. Quite simply, to love God with all our being is to also love God with our minds.

Other Intellectuals throughout history include St. Thomas Aquinas, Blaise Pascal, John Calvin, C. S. Lewis, Dr. J. I. Packer, Elizabeth Elliot, Eugene Peterson, Gary Thomas, Beth Moore, Dr. Juli Slattery, and more.

As an Intellectual, some of your biggest spiritual struggles are seeking out controversy for the sake of argument and a sneaky form of pride that seeks to use your mental prowess for self-exaltation instead of building up the church. Remember that God gave you your mental capabilities, and He’s gifted you to serve the body of Christ. Love well.

Here are a few creative worship ideas for Intellectuals:

  • Write down 15-20 observations on the Bible text you’re reading (the first few are easiest but the last ones are the most rewarding).
  • Find other Christians who are interested in Christian doctrine and ethics, and challenge each other to question presuppositions and go deeper, but always with grace and truth.
  • Pick a topic that interests you and spend a year studying it; study each biblical cross-reference, listen to related sermons, read books, talk about it, write out your thoughts, watch movies about it; ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about that topic through events in your own life.
  • Study the seven basic topics in systematic theology and know WHY you believe what you believe: God, humankind, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Church, eschatology, and revelation.
  • Audit an online class at a Bible college you respect on a topic that interests you; talk to God about what you’re learning and seek ways to practice it in your life.

Please keep in mind that this list is NOT a to-do list to earn God’s favor. Jesus already did that. God won’t be impressed or more pleased with you if you do any or all of the above. Really, He’s after the heart. But if your heart is right with God, this list will give you ideas to seek Him in new ways that may open up fresh paths of communication with Him.

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